Eden Golf Travel

What We Do

Eden Golf Travel is the go-to choice for innovative, custom-designed luxury golf and travel experiences centered around the historic St Andrews Golf Course in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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Eden Golf Travel is the go-to choice for innovative, custom-designed luxury golf and travel experiences centered around the historic St Andrews Golf Course in Edinburgh, Scotland.
We take great pride in developing and creating each bespoke golf tour to exceeded your expectations and requirements. Our long-lasting personal relationships with golf clubs, local hotel proprietors, chauffeurs and suppliers throughout our network will ensure your experience is outstanding with memories that will last forever.

Golf Experiences

We’ve travelled the world, losing a few golf balls along the way and come up with the finest Edinburgh golf courses for you to visit, including the infamous St Andrew’s Gold Course, the birthplace of golf.

We create bespoke and package golfing experiences for individuals, couples, groups, business trips and golf societies, tailoring your holiday to your needs and desires.

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Golf Experiences and Tours

Our local guides can assist you with everything from driving you to each individual appointment you may have to giving you a full tour of the local areas and sharing the stories most tourists never get to see or hear.

If you want to hire a car to drive yourself, we can help you arrange the best package for your needs.

Your level of golfing skill, your expectations you have of your accommodation, relaxation, dining and downtime will all be thoroughly considered and catering for, where allowed, our golfing experiences are always far over par.

For the non-golfer, or a day away from the fairways, a trip to the Highland castles , Lochs and Whisky distilleries are an unmissable part of the Scottish experience, trips and guided tours can be planned to meet your expectations.

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We have teamed up with numerous providers that offer premium accommodation with a very personalised approach to your holiday.

Our premium accommodation in St Andrews is provided by Hawkswood Country Estate, a perfect fusion of luxury, exclusivity and relaxation for any visit to the home of golf.

At Hawkswood Country Estate, each villa/apartment has it’s very own short game practise area and a full driving range for the exclusive use of guests.

From 2025 going forward this resort can offer a limited number of guaranteed tee times at the prestigious Old Course at St Andrews as part of the package, making sure your golfing dreams are fulfilled.

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Contact Us

We take great pride in developing and creating each bespoke golf tour to exceeded your expectations and requirements. Our long-lasting personal relationships with golf clubs, local hotel proprietors, chauffeurs and suppliers throughout our network will ensure your experience is outstanding with memories that will last forever.


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Abbie Carter
Abbie Carter


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Dominic Pelletier
Dominic Pelletier

Hotel Manager

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Lola Bailey
Lola Bailey


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Alfie Robertson
Alfie Robertson


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Lilly Jones
Lilly Jones

Student College

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